
Premier Archive headquarters along with document storage facility are located in the Prishtina-Ferizaj highway, 8 minutes drive from Pristina. This location in Central Kosovo was selected due to its proximity of the access to Arben Xhaferi and Ibrahim Rugova Highways, as well as highways Prishtina-Ferizaj-Han i Elezit, Pristina-Gjilan-Kamenica, Pristina-Lipjan-Shtime-Suhareke. Our location is not underneath a flight path or on a flood plain.

Lokacioni Prishtinë -Ferizaj

Site security

Some of the security features of our facility are:

  • A detached facility constructed from concrete, steel and with concrete bricks walls surrounded by palisade fencing which provides security perimeter;
  • Over 30 security cameras monitoring Premier Archive internal and external area 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week, 365 days in a year;
  • Electronic access control system inside our facility;
  • A double Very Early Smoke and Fire Detection System monitored continuously;
  • Fire extenguishing system serviced regularly;
  • Automatic humidity management system;
  • Electronic temperature monitoring system;
  • 240 minutes fire rating windowless walls with fire doors securing the document storage area;
  • Rodent and pest control contracted with a professional vendor;
  • Custom-designed high density racking to provide the best storage environment, with non-corrosive material stored 20 centimeters above floor level;

Data protection

We know that secure storage requires more than protecting physical documents. Below are some of the measures we take to ensure data protection:

  • Physical and electronic storage/archiving is based upon a complete enterprise system designed for use in the commercial centers for records management.
  • Our software performs regular back-ups every night.
  • A back-up server is in place in the event of primary server failure.
  • A user name and password is required to log on to our Data Management Software Solution.
  • A Windows password policy is in place on-site with 10 minute inactivity lock.
  • Double energy back-up system is on place in the event of power supply failure, with central UPS battery and energy generator.
  • Our applications are protected with anti-virus, anti-spam and anti-malware software.
  • Internet based email access (Hotmail, Gmail, etc.) is blocked within the facility.
  • A thorough security vetting procedure to Kosovo Police and Kosovo Judicial System in line with industry best practice is in place for all staff.
  • Confidentiality agreements are signed by all staff.