Who uses our services

Financial Institutions

Institutions within the financial industry businesses are responsible for large volumes of physical and digital assets associated with investments of their clients, monetary transactions and insurance claims.

As such, businesses and consumers rely on their banks, insurance companies, micro finance institutions and money transfer to keep their information confidential and secure, while maintaining compliance with the many relevant state regulations.

Any failure in doing may result in loss of customer confidence, damage to reputation and regulatory fines and penalties, making a necessary in strict adherence to the policy of data management.Documents and information about your company, customers and employees are important business assets that need to be stored safely.


Business meeting


The documents and information pertaining to your company, customers and employees are important business assets that need to be maintained correctly. Many of these data are subject to the legal requirements of privacy, preservation and destruction, but at the same time also to be accessed and used quickly and safely.  Unfortunately, limitations in space, time, personnel and technological advancements limits you possibilities of data management at many businesses.



Educational Institutions

Elementary, secondary and post-secondary institutions need a document management partner that can manage student, administrative and back-office records while maintaining compliance with state regulations. Such compliance can ensure the privacy of student records, mitigate risks of theft and fraud, reduce the potential for fines and legal liability, decrease the possibility of negative publicity.


Stethoscope on a printed sheet of paper

Health Institutions

Forward-thinking organizations, clinics, practices and departments within the healthcare industry must adhere to state regulations regarding records retention.
These regulations, which define the scheduling requirements for accessing, retaining and disposing of Personal Health Information and other business records, come with benefits that include: Reduced program costs, limited exposure to needless lawsuits, diminished risks associated with data breaches, eliminated cost and space requirements for on-site storage.



Non-Governmental Organizations

Small and large NGO-es have chosen to consolidate their document storage, scanning and destruction needs with Premier Archive in order to reduce costs, improve efficiency while enjoying the very best service and free office space.



Legal offices

From individual practices to legal departments within larger organizations, all of our legal clients need to retain documents safely for a number of years, and access older files when required.

Moving your records off-site can help you stay in full compliance in file management procedures, with a management system that tracks all movements of files.

Our bar coding system makes all actions related to your files fully traceable. Next day delivery of hard copy files is standard, with an express delivery service also available. We can also offer a ‘scan on demand’ service for urgently needed files, providing an electronic copy of your file within 30 minutes of a client request.