Physical deliveries and pick up

Our Vehicle Fleet

Premier Archive vehicle fleet includes vehicles with various transport capacities, ranging from those with a dozen to those with capacity of hundreds of archiving boxes.

All vehicles are equipped with central locking system and are equipped with GPS which allows to follow the entire journey from Premier Archive to you and vice versa. Our vehicles have a regular program of service and maintenance to ensure that all vehicles are well preserved, in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.



Deliveries & Collections Security

  • All vehicles are equipped with central locking system.
  • All vehicles are equipped with fire extinguishers which can be used in the event of class A, B and C fires, which are serviced regularly by professional contractors as part of our servicing of fire extinguishing system.
  • All vehicles are GPS tracked which enables Premier Archive logistics team to access minute by minute movement history of each vehicle.
  • All transport vehicles have separate cargo and personnel areas.
  • Each delivery and collection of boxes, documents, hard disks etc. requires the authorized person to sign the work order documenting that items are delivered or collected.
  • In addition to the signed work order Premier Archive staff will barcode scan each of the items as part of the audit trail for each item.



Our personnel

Transportation of your documents is done by branded Premier Archive personnel, who would be carrying identification at all times. Prior hiring all our staff performs a security control in the Kosovo Police and the Kosovo Judicial System in accordance with the best practices in terms of the pre-employment background.
In addition, all Premier Archive drivers are trained on suitable delivery routes. Premier Archive provide delivery drivers with mobile phones to ensure that they can make direct contact with the office / logistics staff if and when required and safe to call or via the hands free provided.
